Hiking the Grand Canyon

Photography, Travel, United States

Hiking the Grand Canyon has been one of the highlights of my year and it’s truly an experience I will never forgot. I agreed to go with my mom on a hiking trip to Grand Canyon National Park on a whim. I didn’t have any hiking experience and I knew it would be tough and I’d have to do a lot of training. Considering my complete lack of hiking experience I’d say I did pretty well on the trails. Although it was hard I still had an amazing time and I managed to make it to the bottom of the Canyon and back up in one piece. I’ve already written a little Grand Canyon travel guide that talks a bit about visiting the National Park in general but this post will focus specifically on the hiking trails and Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Canyon. Although it’s really just an excuse for me to share some photos.

Grand Canyon Travel Guide

Photography, Travel, United States

Visiting Grand Canyon National Park was truly incredible and it’s an experience that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. It was like nothing else I had ever seen or experienced. If you’ve read any of my other Arizona travel guides then you know that my primary reason for visiting the state was to hike the Grand Canyon. I’m going to get into the specifics of the hike in another post and for this little Grand Canyon guide I’m going to focus on the South Rim area at the top of the Grand Canyon.