Hiking in Parc national du Bic

Bas-Saint-Laurent, Canada, Québec, Travel

During our Québec City/ Bas-Saint-Laurent road trip this past summer we wanted to spend as much time as possible outside since we wanted to enjoy the nice weather but also because of covid. So we planned to do a hike in Parc national du Bic, one of Québec’s national parks. The park is right on the Saint-Laurent River and really easy to access if you’re travelling through the Bas-Saint-Laurent region. We chose to do Le Grand Tour hike which is 8.7km (about 3 hours) and listed as the most difficult and longest hike in the park. The hike also has unique time restraints since you need to complete it during low tide as it is mostly right along the coastline over the rocks.

Hiking the Grand Canyon

Photography, Travel, United States

Hiking the Grand Canyon has been one of the highlights of my year and it’s truly an experience I will never forgot. I agreed to go with my mom on a hiking trip to Grand Canyon National Park on a whim. I didn’t have any hiking experience and I knew it would be tough and I’d have to do a lot of training. Considering my complete lack of hiking experience I’d say I did pretty well on the trails. Although it was hard I still had an amazing time and I managed to make it to the bottom of the Canyon and back up in one piece. I’ve already written a little Grand Canyon travel guide that talks a bit about visiting the National Park in general but this post will focus specifically on the hiking trails and Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Canyon. Although it’s really just an excuse for me to share some photos.

Sedona, Arizona Hiking Guide

Photography, Travel, United States

Back in April 2018 I went on a little hiking trip to Arizona, well kind of a big one in the Grand Canyon. But on our way from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon we stopped in Sedona for a few days to do some hiking and get acclimatized to the dry air, heat and altitude in Arizona. Coming from winter in Canada it was a bit of an adjustment. The landscape around Sedona was beautiful, the actual town I feel was too touristy though. With so many hiking trails in the area it can be hard to decide which ones to do so I’ll share some info about the ones we did.